It's finally done. At least mostly done, it still need tabs and a dowel to hang it. My sister has her very own advent calendar, and I get to take mine home.
My mother started to cross-stitch one for my sister not too long after she was born. She missed a line somewhere in one of the figures and between the need for things to look just right, yes, I come by it honnestly, business of life, etc. it just didn't get finished. Two years ago I picked up a pattern for a pocket calendar thinking it would be a fun summer project. I'm not sure what happened to that first summer, but somehow it flew by and the extent of my accomplishment telling myself that it would be an easy project.
This summer, since I'm not working and only have the baby, cats and puppy to worry about, I decided to start and finish the project. At least I planned that I'd start and finish the project. Finally I took the first steps in sewing together 25 little pockets and roofs sometime in the fall. Here and there, with the help of my mother-in-law, I completed little bits of it. Blanket stitching teh houses onto the background didn't go as quickly as I would have liked. A few months after Monkey was born I ended up with a flare-up of tendonitis in my thumb despite following correct baby-lifting techniques. So the final touches (snowflake buttons) were put on on Christmas Eve after dinner with my hubby's family. I'm usually finished wrapping presents a week before Christmas, so this was a little unnerving for me.
It's not as perfect as I'd like, a few things are a little askew, but I'm pretty happy with it, and I think my sister is too!

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