Camping is really just an excuse to eat. Let's face it, you get up, eat, play a game or go for a hike, eat, play some more, drink & eat, eat, sit around a fire and finally eat some more before going to bed. That's a lot of eating, and requires tasty diversity. A package of hotdogs and bag of chips just won't cut it.

Here are some of my family's, I say family but that includes friends that we camp with, favourites.

- Nutella stuffed French Toast. Yes, that's right. Nutella. With berries. And back bacon. I love using back bacon when we're camping because there is no fatty mess to clean up/have the boys pour on the fire (I'm sure the best part is watching me freak out about flames getting too high, etc.!).
If chocolate and hazelnuts aren't your thing, cream cheese will also work.
- Scrambled omelettes. Eggs, peppers, onions, ham, cheese. Top it off with salsa, sour cream and guacamole. Yippee!
** Crack the eggs into a ziplock bag beforehand. No shells to deal with, and no risk of something breaking all over the cooler.

Snacks and Appies
One of my favourites is Baked Brie. Yep, wrap up the Brie in foil, pop on the side of the fire and enjoy!

If it's hot out and we don't feel up to cooking, we will pull out the goat cheese and pepper jelly or Boursin to top our crackers.

This year we tried out Nachos in foil pans. Load all the nacho goodness into one pan, top with another to make a little oven and place over the fire. We didn't have a fire going because it was ridiculously hot, so we simply popped this on the grill side of our propane stove. The results were delicious!
What are your favourite gourmet camping foods?

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