September is coming to a close and I've been back at my fourth job for about a month now. Fourth job? Here's how I see it:
  • Job 1 is taking care of the Little Man. He's still breastfeeding, so there is a lot of his care that I am primarily responsible for.
  • Job 2 is really part-time. Keeping the house clean and all the living things here alive (dog, cat, kid, adults). Hubby is pretty good about helping out, he does 80% of the laundry. That's right, laundry is his department.
  • Job 3 is keeping the dog in line. She's only just turning 2. She's stubborn and strong willed. Having been home for 14 months with her after N was born, she's decided that she will *mostly* listen to me. Who cares what anyone else asks her to do. Apparently it's Mom or no one.
  • Job 4. My 80 other kids. Grades 8 and 9, and in February another 30 in Grade 10.
Going back to Job 4 wasn't hard, but it also wasn't very easy. I love spending time with my boy, playing with him, caring for him. Missing out on day to day activities is hard. I was also worried about the time and energy that teaching full time, especially the semester with no prep time, required, and whether I would have enough patience, energy, love to give to the most important people in my life.
At the same time, I was ready to get a little of "me" back. To not have little hands fishing down my shirt, stretching all of my tops, all day. To be able to be creative in a way that I'd put on hold for a year. To feel like the 5+ years of post-secondary and associated student debt wasn't a waste.

This first month back was great. At the end of August I wasn't sure how I would feel come the end of September.
I am fortunate to be in a job share, so I can balance my other 3 jobs with the paying one.
I found childcare with a lady who gently cares for her kids; letting them get messy, explore and be creative while teaching them to be kind and gentle.
I get to work with some amazing teachers.
Most of all, I get the best hugs when I pick up my guy after my school day is done, go home, and nurse my baby.

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