About a week before Christmas Monkey had a few nights where he woke up to feed 2-3 times. Since he was usually good for sleeping through until about 6 in the morning, this was a bit odd, but I wasn't too concerned. By the third night of this happening, despite him nursing heavily before bed, I figured it was time to give solids a try. He was afterall, 5 1/2 months, and constantly grabbing at our plates.

I've skimmed a few books and articles on feeding baby, but as with everything else baby related, tried to avoid following any one perscribed method or philosophy too closely. I'm me. I want my parenting style and choices to reflect me. And I want reason and common sense to be a big part of my decisions.
We started him off with some barley cereal, then introduced some yams for flavour. I don't like bland food, so why would he?!  Monkey loved the yams so we figured we'd try some pear that I'd cooked, pureed and frozen this summer while it was in season. Also a hit. Not surprising as over the previous few weeks he'd suck on pieces of apple or pear as I was eating them.

I know that the current recommendation is to follow iron-fortified cereal with meats in order to prevent iron-deficiency as baby's iron stores start to decrease at about 6 months. About a week later we tried a bit of pureed turkey mixed with breast milk. Wow! NOT A FAN!

I don't want food to be an issue with him, so I figure that if he gives it a taste 3 days in a row, and it doesn't work, then we move on. No big deal. Each day, same reaction. I think it's the texture, or maybe the taste. He just sits there with his mouth open making a bad face. He doesn't even spit it out. I have to scoop out the turkey with my figer. Agh.

We cooked up some stewing beef, pureed and mixed with milk. Hmmm. Seemed like he liked the flavour a little bit more, but again, not a fan of the texture.

Am I worried? Phoning the nurse help line, scouring internet resources or attempting to collect advise from other local mommie? No. He's a few days short of 6 months. He's still nursing 8 times a day. He like the cereal and loves yams, squash, apple and pears. I think that's reasonable for now. We'll try meat again in a few more days. As for now, we'll keep adding some new veggies. Afterall, food is about fun and exploring at this point.

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