So obviously being preggers was a life changing event. Of course, having a baby also meant major changes. Although, for the most part I still remained in control, or thought I was still in control for both of these events. This is quickly coming to an end.
I think we've finally hit the biggest change, aside from talking. Yep, he's moving. I now officially have an inchworm that is eager to get his little knees underneath him. Fortunately he's still moving fairly slowly so I can generally keep up with him, aside from the headder he did off the bed the other day (epic mommy fail), so baby gates are still a few weeks away.
Now there's a whole new world of things to discover. Right now he's most interested in the dogs and cat's toys, especially the kong with leftover peanut butter in it. Ick. At least he'll have a good imune system!

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